Summer Water Use Program

2024 Rules for Outdoor Water Use

Water connects us all. Lakehurst Water follows Denver Water’s summer watering rules to ensure we have enough water now and in the future. Water belongs to everyone, and we are all responsible for using it wisely. Summer watering rules are enforced May 1 to Oct. 1.

  • Water during cooler times of the day — lawn watering is not allowed between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • Water no more than three days per week.
  • Do not allow water to pool in gutters, streets, and alleys.
  • Do not waste water by letting it spray on concrete and asphalt.
  • Repair leaking sprinkler systems within 10 days.
  • Do not irrigate while it is raining or during high winds.
  • Use a hose nozzle with a shut-off valve when washing your car.

*These rules are mandatory. Repeat offenders may be fined.


  • Rules for watering new seed and sod
    Lakehurst Water customers with newly planted seed or sod may water new turf as necessary, for up to 21 days. After 21 days, routine watering is limited to no more than three days per week and not between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. To submit your request for a 21-day watering exemption, call 303-985-7895. If you are requesting a watering exemption, the newly landscaped area should be 250 square feet or larger. It is wasteful to run an irrigation system on an area any smaller, and you can hand water areas that are less than 250 square feet. Keep in mind that you may see an increase in your water use upon watering for up to 21 days. Tip: Amending the soil with compost prior to planting will help to establish new plant material more successfully. Lakehurst Water recommends that you till compost into the areas that you are planting.
  • Lawn watering times
    Use the chart as a starting point to determine the number of minutes to water each zone on the days you water. These times are averages. Adjust your watering minutes based on rainfall, type of grass or plants, sunny or shady locations and other characteristics. Watering two days a week should be sufficient during most of the summer. If needed, water a third day during extreme heat or dry periods. Water trees and shrubs as needed, but not between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Shrubs and perennials need half as much water as lawns.


There are no assigned watering days, but never water a zone more than three days a week.

There are no assigned watering days, but never water a zone more than three days a week.

Watering Months Minutes to water per zone (for lawns, based on three days per week*)
Fixed Spray Head
Fixed spray heads
Rotor heads
Rotor heads
Rotary/high-efficiency nozzles
Rotary/high-efficiency nozzles*

Manual sprinklers
January – April Water trees and shrubs as needed.
May 12 24 30 18
June 17 35 43 26
July 18 36 45 27
August 14 27 34 20
September 11 23 28 17
October – December Water trees and shrubs as needed.

*These times are based on a sprinkler system running at an efficient level. Remember, no watering between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

*Rotary//high-efficiency nozzle information

Tip: Water, rest, water! To maximize efficiency and allow the soil time to soak up the water, add multiple start times and reduce each zone’s watering time. For example, a 14-minute run time may be irrigated for 7 minutes, turned off while another zone is irrigated, then irrigated for the remaining 7 minutes to achieve the total 14-minute run time.

For more information regarding the 2022 Water Use Program and more water-saving tips, visit Denver’s web site at